Monday, February 24, 2014

Instagram hash tags

When marketing and promoting on Instagram it's really important to study the app and all of Instagram's features. Most of all make sure you start creating an index for your account and the photos you post. This index will be "searchable" by any other Instagram user. To index a photo on Instagram all you have to do is add a #hashtag to any word or words that your leaving as part of a comment!! Hash tags can be added to the comment while creating a post, or you you can go back and simply add the tagged words as comments on any photo to index it. When starting a new business account or promoting your business on Instagram you should take some time to study your industry and competition. See what other users in the same industry are doing, study the overall keywords for your industry and consider the top 30-40 keywords a potential customer might use when searching for your business. When considering these keywords put yourself in the customers shoes and consider how they might actually type their search. also consider that the searcher might be searching a social media site/ social media app like Instagram or a search engine like Google or Bing. Try to build the most effective list possible and then be sure to add those keywords to every post you can. It's always a good idea to add those hash tagged hey words to some sort of notepad on your cell phone or tablet. This makes it easier to copy and paste all of the keywords at one time and then paste them into your comments when creating a post or, again, going back and hash tagging an existing post if you didn't already add the hash tags initially.For every picture or video you post there should be about ten to fifteen hashtag as well. Consider that Instagram is like an early Google, and that starting to create an index for your business, and tagging Your photos with the best keywords is just like getting to the top of Google for those same keywords. Consider how many competitors you have. If there are ten thousand images indexed on Instagram under a certain keyword or hashtag it will be difficult for your new Instagram account to be seen in the search results!!So let's get this straight.... When crating an account an promoting Instagram you could get people to your page or account simply by hash tagging certain keywords in the comments portion of your post. In order to get more visibility all you have to do is continue adding hash tags, as repetitively and often as possible! The more you add the hash tags the better the chances you will show up when another Instagram user searches for yet keyword. Once you have enough followers on your account it's a great idea to encourage your followers to tag their images with your hash tag and tag you in the photos as well. It's always a great idea to post content rich media, and make sure they the media you post to Instagram or any other blog/ social media account is ENGAGING! You need your followers and your audience to "like" your post, "comment" on your post and then "share" your post and add the "hashtags" while tagging your account in the post. This is exactly how something can go "viral" online!! Promoting on marketing is actually pretty simple once you learn all the features if te app, how to share images, and of course hoe to tag photos to Create an index. And for more great marketing tips on Instagram and other social media sites and apps be sure to checkout our main site at

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Profitable marketing

Instagram offers the most profitable marketing compared to any other service we've used. Starting with the fact that Instagram is a free app, and start adding up Instagram's very effective, and aggressive marketing tools the result is a very profitable marketing tool!

Whether your selling products online with an e-commerce site, selling clicks with services like Google's ad sense, or an affiliate marketing program, Instagram seems to be the best answer when it come to promoting and marketing. Instagram offers the ability to reach out to other targeted users in just about any demographic, including business looking for local consumers or customers. Direct message and group message those same users. Instagram will even let you creat your own index by hash tagging a photo in the comments section! Creating this index could be similar to the lucky business owners who found themselves promoting early with search engines like Google. Those lucky business gained invaluable marketing space providing plenty of profits!! 

You might be asking yourself how something like Instagram could be more valuable than a Facebook or Twitter?? You must consider more than cost!! Time is equally valuable!! In comparison Instagram tends to provide more followers, engagement, and web traffic for your time! 

Most businesses, corporations, brands, or organizations pay marketing firms big dollars to promote them on various search engines and social media sites/ apps!! Breaking every move down to a sience, how to post media, what sort of media to post, how to engage customers, find new ones , even what times of the day are optimal for posting!! Instagram is so simple and functional a business could literally get away with an hour a day with little to no prior experience and produce more profit than paying huge dollars or spending long hours promoting with other options. 

Consider what your business needs, and ask yourself why Instagram couldn't provide it?? If you need the answer to any questions be sure to visit for all of your business' marketing and promotional needs!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Instagram Marketing

Instagram marketing is simply one of the greatest marketing platforms and social marketing networks available! Offering several amazing features to save both time and money when marketing or promoting any business, brand, or organization! Statistically Instagram can provide more unique web visitors to any blog or website for your time than just about any network!! 

Instagram is free! It's an app offered through the apple and android stores. Currently there is no web version like Facebook or Twitter, but this little app is quick powerful and efficient!! 

A few key features of Instagram thy makes it the greatest marketing platform for any new or existing business are very noteworthy. Share settings allow you to post your media to Instagram and instantly share it to other social networks like Facebook, Twitter Tumblr, Flickr and several others. Instagram share settings alone can shave hours off of your social work load each week!! 

Instagram offers the ability to add a URL. Adding the link to your site or blog will be the key eliment here. If other Instagram users are able to click a simple link and land on your page it's more effective than any form of print media, word of mouth, business cards, fliers, magazines etc. 

Instagram is versatile!! You could funnel traffic to more than one source by simply changing or updating the URL in your profile!! Meaning you could use Instagram to funnel traffic to your Facebook page. Facebook is and always has been one if the top marketing options or any business but getting likes is very difficult. Reaching people is hard!! Now your Instagram account can bridge that GAO. Most Instagram users have, or have Facebook accounts. By leading your Instagram followers right to your Facebook you could easily get real organic likes to your Facebook, Twitter or any other network! 

Instagram also allows you to easily connect and engage with your users. The public open forum offers your business or brand to tech out to and communicate to mass audiences in one arena. More effective than only email or phone calls, or a website. Instagram allows quick ray updates and communication.

Instagram is a great brand builder. The profile picture becomes the face of your Instagram account and will constantly pop up when you engage or connect with other Instagram users and Instagram accounts.

Stay tuned to see more great marketing tips and free marketing articles in Instagram, and marketing in general! This Instagram marketing blog is ran and managed by simple media marketing solutions. Be sure to click on the free learning center and read all the free marketing articles. Learn how to promote your entire business too to bottom or have Simple Media Marketing Solutions do it all for you! 

Stay tuned for future articles on Instagram marketing, Instagrams unique marketing features, how to get real Facebook and Twitter followers and much more!! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Posting Media, and how to post media on instagram to get followers to your site.

Posting media to Instagram, or any other social network, blog, or website, is VERY important! There are several pieces to the overall puzzle when it comes to promoting a business or brand, part of it is getting followers or traffic, but then what? POST! Your followers and visitors need to SEE something! Posting media is a very important element, make sure that you post pictures and content that is short, sweet, interactive, and most importantly HELPS FURTHER YOUR BUSINESS OR BRAND! Lets focus on posting to Instagram. Instagram is an app that was created to share images, therefore it's an "imaged based" social networking app. Most of the posts you make will be images, and then you will be able to leave a comment on that image. Instagram has made a ton of progress since it was originated, and currently allows you to post short videos as well as images. Once you post a video or an image you will have the ability to leave a comment on that post. The comment is just as important as the media! Comments are left on posts to describe the media. What is going on? what are you promoting? let's call it the 5 "W's:" Who, what, where, when, and why. However, Instagram (and social networks in general) gives you some additional options when commenting. You can "tag" someone in the post as well as hash tag the post! Tagging people on Instagram will send them a notification as well as allow others to know who your speaking to. The comments section is an open forum, by tagging the person you are speaking to they get the notification and others will know who your comment is directed towards. The person who created the post will get notifications regardless. In addition to tagging another instagram user in the comments, you can tag them in the media as well. If you post an image, you have the ability to add that image to another users profile. Unlike Facebook when added to the other users profile it DOES NOT post to their main profile page, it posts to a separate section dedicated for "photos you have been tagged in." So remember when posting on Instagram you can tag other users in the photo and or the comments. Tagging another Instagram user in the photo will notify the other user, add that photo to the users profile, and let everyone else know who is tagged in the image when anyone else sees it. Tagging another user in the comments will notify that user, and since the comments portion is an open forum it will also allows others to see who that comment is being directed towards. When leaving a comment you can add a hash tag (#) immediately before any word, allowing you to index the media your commenting on. Instagram allows users to search for "hash tags" meaning that any media you post can become a part of that "index." The profile that posted the media needs to be set to public instead of private. If the profile is private then the indexed media is only viewable for people that are following the account that made the post. Meaning that if you are marketing, and would like the chance for millions of random Instagram users to find you then you will need to make sure your Instagram profile is NOT PRIVATE, and that you start indexing your images!! If you are promoting a flower shop tag the type of flowers, the word flower and so on. Using the hash tags and indexing your images basically allows Instagram to become it's own little search engine feeding attention, likes, comments, and overall followers to YOUR instagram profile, which leads directly to your business or brand! Remember that Instagram was originally created for the iphone, and was only imaged based. Some of these features wont work all they way for videos. Also if your wondering what to post, or what sort of content you should spend some time studying others in your industry. You should be able to find pages that are doing well, and others that aren't! This will tell you what to do and what not to do. Remember that Instagram is not a "marketing platform" but a "networking" platform. Meaning that most people on Instagram are users, and are not exactly there for you to promote to them! Find the happy medium that allows you to run a fun page, but still get the job done. Posting will be the way to make it happen! Re post images, take original photos and videos, screen shot others photos, post shout-outs of other businesses and tag them. Give credit when re posting, you will find that there are entire Instagram communities dedicated to fun memes that can always "fun up" a business account. Be sure not to over post! Its easy to get carried away and post 10 different things in a row, but imagine watching TV and the same commercial came on ten times in a row!! Only a few people really saw it! ALl of your marketing aired at the same time, AND you probably irritated people! We have un-followed people for over posting, or posting too many things in a row on Instagram!! Instagram has some fun filters you can apply to images and videos as well. You could turn a colorful photo to black and white, or make it look like an old aged photo with just a simple touch. Play with some filters and different Instagram features to make sure you are getting the most out of your posts. The better the image looks, the more attention it will get and the more effective your marketing will be. If you really want to do a great job consider downloading som additional apps to help with Instagram! There are several apps available on the android and apple stores. Some apps will allow you to make a collage, edit a photo, add text and much much more! There are also apps to convert normal videos into Instagram posts! Learning to promote and post on Instagram can take a lot of time, but it is well worth it! For more tips and hints on how to use Instagram or how to promote with any social network see Simple Media Marketing Solutions and their free learning center has several free marketing tips and hints, social media marketing tips, blogging tips, search engine optimization and moer! Free simple learning center

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Instagram followers, and how to use them

So you started an Instagram account for your new business, and your trying to get some followers and generate a following. Once you get those followers you still have some work to do! Its important to stay focused on your goal, lets act like we are an online retail store for this example. We need to get people to follow our account, but more importantly we need to get them to your website! Our goal is to reach our customers, get them to the site, and sell our products! In order to get the most out of your followers, and keep getting more followers you will need to "post" good content and interact with your users. The more comments and likes you give, the more you get! Make sure that you have added your websites' URL (website address) to your profile on Instagram. You can do this from the "edit profile" option on Instagram's home screen (bottom left corner) once your logged in. If you aren't at all familiar with how to use Instagram, take some time to log in and start navigating the app. If you do a good job posting, and gaining followers they are more likely to click on the link from your Instagram bio in order to land on your website. Most websites will get a couple hundred hits before it starts selling anything. Be patient, and keep working! Post images and content about your business and the products you are selling. The more descriptive the better! Make sure you explain all of your shipping costs and options, the cost of the item itself, and any additional information you can provide. Asking questions in your posts is a great way to engage your followers. Ask them what they think about your products, add some photos of the business in general. Any sort of work that is required, packages going out, products being packaged etc. Try to show your audience about your business and allow them to have some input on what you promote, what special are on and so on. Remember to keep it interesting. Nobody wants to keep seeing the same posts, and the same styles over and over. Remember that most people are using Instagram for personal accounts to network with friends, family, and classmates. Post about other topics as well as your business. Consider sporting events, current events, anything comical... get people to like your page even if they aren't purchasing your goods! Eventually these followers can turn into customers! Use hash tags! The hash tags are usually used incorrectly by people wanting to put an emphasis on a certain word. The hash tag is actually used to create an index. On Instagram if you add a hash tag to a word, Instagram will automatically index the image you tagged, under the word you used. For example, If I am selling a t shirt I can post an image of that shirt and in the comments add the #urbanClothing. That image is now indexed under the term 'urban clothing.' Because your image is indexed, any other Instagram user can now search the same tag 'urban clothing' and see every image that has been tagged as urban clothing! This will be a great tool for you to use, and over time will have an effect just like a search engine! For more helpful marketing tips, and Instagram marketing tips including how to promote a business and get real Instagram followers be sure to Simple Media Marketing Solutions and see their free "simple learning center" with hundreds of articles on internet marketing, social media marketing, and much much more!

Following on Instagram

Instagram is pretty unique when compared to something like Facebook or Tumblr because of your ability to follow people. With Instagram you can log in, search for someone's page and if its an open page (not private, instagram has privacy settings if you would like) you can see all of their followers as well the people they are following and all of their posts and comments. Following people on Instagram is a great way to bring awareness to your new brand or business. Choose a page similar to yours, or a page you feel would have the same audience as what you're selling or promoting. Look at their followers and choose who you would like to request It's a good idea to make sure they have a profile picture, and of course are a real account! It becomes a numbers game, the more people you follow the more people will follow you back! Each industry is different and will have a different feel to it. Be sure to add as much information as you can about your business, address, contact info and so on. It's important for your followers, and the people your going to follow to know that you are a real business. Little things like a 'good' profile picture will make a big difference! Remember to network! Instagram is an app that was created for people to share images from all over the world, take some time to appreciate a good Instagram account, like some pictures and leave a few comments. The more interaction you have with others, the more chances people have of seeing your account, your comments, and your logo or profile pic. Branding is a matter of consistency, you will notice that over time your followers and the people who interact with your page are growing!

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?