Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to get website hits from your Instagram account

Did you know that Instagram is definitely on the short list if not one of THE BEST and most aggressive form of marketing and free form of marketing open to ANY business?!! That means more effective sometimes than even Facebook Twitter tumblr yelp or good old search engine optimization! Let's talk about the early stages of using Instagram to increase your website traffic. Note that if your tracking your website traffic or website hits using a tool like Google Analytics it's likely that most of your Instagram traffic will appear as direct visitors. (The Instagram app typically opens links using your cell phone's or your tablet'a browser, appearing as someone going directly to your site.) The Instagram app is again, one of the best social media networks for marketing a website!!

Instagram allows you to create an account for your business and from that account follow other Instagram users. These accounts, or people that you're following are ideally going to become "leads" for your business.... That's gear this article is about! 

Getting followers for your Instagram account and then posting content to those followers are how we're going to get people from Instagram to your website! We can break this down into a series of steps. 

step one: creating your Instagram account.  Not just how to sign up or create the account but also what you put in the bio and making sure that you link the actual your new Instagram account to your bio. Most of the people who actually wind up visiting your site will be visiting because they click this link in your bio we'll get to that a little bit later.

Step two is going to be learning what to actually do with your Instagram account: this step will be different depending on which industry your business is in, let's take an E-commerce site for example. An e-commerce site is an Internet commerce or electronic commerce website. We need our Instagram account to promote our product or service, click the link in our bio, and then actually PAY for the goods or services. Our Job on Instagram is to target consumers that could want or need our services. 

Step three, once we know step two, is to actually start following targeted consumers (or accounts) that are in your demographic, let's call these "leads."Consider the age group and gender of your audience as well as their location (if it matters to your business.) Some websites may offer a product or service that needs local consumers while other websites may offer products or services that could go out-of-state or even out of the country. Now that you know your limits, criteria and your needs choose a few accounts on Instagram that have a good following. These accounts should be ideal for each portion of your business meaning that these accounts should have a lot of the type of followers that meet your businesses' needs, age, location, interests etc.

Instagram will allow you to follow about 50 accounts per hour. Step three suggested choosing some good accounts to start from. Study your industry and see how others are promoting similar brand and or services. Take notice of their posting patterns, how many followers they have. Also how much engagement they get off of each post. Avoid accounts with large numbers of followers and little to no likes or comments on their posts. This means they have "ghost followers" or that they have followers who aren't interested in what's being posted. At any rate choose a few good accounts and start following their followers! Spread it our following only a few at a time from each target page (or target account.) 

If you follow 200 people per day your likely to get 15-30% of the people you followed to actually follow you back! Meaning that these people or accounts that chose to follow you back will have your posts pop up in their news feed as you post them! If the media you post catches their attention they should "like" the post, possibly comment on it and or go to your bio. If you've added the link to your site, once these followers see your bio they'll be able to click the link and land on your site! 

What about the people who didn't follow back? There should be plenty left over. No worries! Because your following them you will see all of their posts, your job is to engage the post to try getting their attention a second time and converting a few more accounts into followers! 

There's another concept that should be noted when promoting on Instagram, and social sites in general. Hash tagging! When you create a post you can add a hash tag in the comment prior to any word you would like. The word you tagged will become part of an index. Instagram users all over the world can search that index just like searching for something on Google! This means you could post something today, and two weeks or even two years from now someone could search the tags and see your post! This could mean more followers, and ultimately more website hits! 

Be sure to check out our main site at for all of your marketing and branding needs. Fill our the application for a free marketing consultation as well as a list of our products and services!! 

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?