Saturday, April 5, 2014

How do I get more Instagram followers?

How many followers do you have on Instagram? If you've been following our blog you will see that we speak very highly, and really value "followers" on any social network, especially Instagram! 

The app offers the quickest easiest solution to connect and engage with an audience and share posts and material. If you understand the app, and understand how the app works then you shouldn't have trouble finding followers. 

Assuming that you have a REASON for people to follow you, all you have to do is get "their" attention! Simply engaging other Instagram accounts by following, liking, or even tagging them will get the attention of those users leading them to follow you!

There's a lot more too it. Try some of these actions on Instagram to see if you get more followers:
1.) use hash tags! When posting, and searching! Learn how to search the hashtags others have posted! Liking or commenting on THOSE pictures or videos will notify the user who made the post. Most users LOVE getting likes and comments and will likely follow you back, increasing your number of real Instagram followers! 

The easiest way to get followers on instgram is to follow people! By following other user accounts you will also notify them tht you've followed! If the users account is public they are notified and your able to follow right away. Private accounts will require the users approval, however that also forces them to see and RESPOND to your request. Often times users will allow you to follow and also follow you back! 

Real Instagram followers can also find your account by searching trough their "network." Most users will search through their list if followers and see who their followers are following. Or who their followers are followed by! The more people you follow, the more "backlinks" you have to your Instagram account! The more channels or roads that lead to your account the more chances you have of gaining followers! 

Make sure your account is public! That means not private! If you set your Instagram settings to private people are less likely to follow you unless they actually know you! 

Be active! One of the best ways to get followers on instgram is to generally stay active! When you like, comment, tag, and  follow accounts on Instagram others will see the activity, if you catch the attention of other accounts they will be more likely to follow you! 

If all else fails you can always use the direct message feature to reach out to users in a more personal fashion. Sometimes people just want to know that your account is real! This can take some time so don't go overboard. A few followers a day is a good pace for real accounts!! 

Learn how to check your notifications. If another user likes or comments on your photo it's a good idea to respond to them! The more comments and like you have on your photo the more likely t is for other users to participate.

Post regularly, but don't over post!! It's easy to get users to follow you, but if you never post they might just UN-FOLLOW you! Losing followers is counter productive, so be sure to keep the ones you got! Over posting or being a "ghost follower" is never good! 

Learn more about Instagram and social media marketing at!! 

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?