Saturday, April 19, 2014

Make money with instagram

Make money with instagram! use our blog and learn how to drive traffic to any website or blog! Most websites and blogs are able to generate a decent income from their visitors. There are little to no restrictions, and plenty of business opportunities available for bloggers to use Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, network marketing, and just about any work from home opportunity.

Using our blog you will read regular articles related to Instagram, how to promote on instagram, and the latest marketing tools available on instagram! Learn about what you can post on instagram, how to post on instagram, how to get the instagram app and more!

Starting an instagram account for your personal or business use always quick and easy. All you need is a valid email account and a username that is open and available! Although it's not required we would also need to add a website address (URL) to your instagram account in order to get the most traffic from marketing and promoting with the instagram app.

Once you add the URL all you have to do is start following other real instagram accounts! Your followers will be able to see all of our posts! Instagram acts just like Facebook because it allows its users to check a home feed that displays posts from all the user accounts being that have been followed. The more posts you make, and the more followers you have, the more people you will reach for your business, brand or organization!

Our Instagram marketing blog will teach you about how to follow target accounts (or leads) for your business, liking and commenting on other instagram posts, how to get real followers, and how to convert those followers into website hits and sales!

We will also show you how to track your instagram hits using Google analytics! Most people using analytics have assumed that instagram wasn't able to provide many website hits. The truth is that instagram is an app, not a website. There is currently a limited web version available, but its new! Long story short, the app runs on a device (tablet, smart phone etc.) and each device uses a "browser" to open any website.... when an instagram user clicks the URL and goes to your site the actions are as if someone opened the browser and went directly to your site. Google analytics will track these hits as direct visitors! You will also be able to tell the traffic came from instagram because the app is MOBILE, meaning that the hits will come from mobile devices at the moment rather than actual computer traffic.

Follow us and read more to learn about how to promote your business and make money with instagram!

Friday, April 18, 2014

How can I get started on marketing my business with Instagram

How can I get started marketing my business with Instagram is a very common question. Everyday people are interested in getting more awareness traffic and website visitors for their business brand or organization. Instagram is a little-known marketing tool but currently known as one of the most aggressive and effective ways to start promoting any business brand organization.

To start promoting your business on Instagram is quick and easy. Typically you need a profile, picture a short biography to describe your business, an email account, and any smart phone or tablet to get started. 

Instagram is a simple and easy app which is why it's one of the best marketing tools available today. The app is free and you can download it to any smartphone or tablet. All you need to do to register and sign up for Instagram is provide a username and email address. 

There is little more to making ineffective Instagram account. And using that account to promote your business. Most businesses will spend a lot of time studying their industry learning which hash tags to use when posting on Instagram, how their competition promotes, and how to target new customers using the Instagram app.

The Instagram app offers several helpful tools for marketing your business. You can direct message to groups of people. Instagram allows you to follow up to 50 people in an hour. Once you follow those 50 people in a single hour you are also able to like their pictures and leave comments on any pictures that you have posted. Unlike most social networks Instagram has a single dedicated area on the users profile where they can add a link to their website.  Because of this dedicated area for your website address it actually helps funnel a lot of traffic from Instagram to your businesses website or other social accounts like Facebook or yell or something along those lines. 

Visit www.Simplemediamarketing and learn more about how you can promote your business using social media and search engines like Google. Simple media will teach you how to start promoting your business on Instagram quickly and easily!! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Learn how to advertise on Instagram

Learn how to promote your business on Instagram. Instagram is one of the largest social networks available right now. The Instagram social networking app is image-based and has millions of users already. Visit and learn more about how to promote your small business using social media search engine optimization and several other Internet marketing tactics.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

How many people can I follow on Instagram?

Ever wondered "how many people can i follow on Instagram?" We get that question a LOT! Currently your able to follow 7500 people (very similar to Favebooks rule for friends) this means you can start a business account and follow 7500 other accounts!! (Instagram allows you to follow 50 people per hour.)

This means you can reach 7500 targeted accounts per hour! All you have to do is find a business with the same kind of Instagram or social media followers as you want or need for your business! 

It's all about visibility! It takes about 5 minutes or less to follow 50 accounts. If you follow 50 "good accounts" maybe 20 minutes... 

7500 divided by 50 (the number of people your able to follow in an hour on Instagram) equals 150. That means means you can spend about 5 minutes 150 times and end up following 7500 accounts!! 

That means it will take about 12 and 1/2 hours (12.5 hours) of following other Instagram accounts to reach 7500!! Most accounts that follow 7500 should get about 1000 website hits a month!! 

There are many additional factors such as which hash tags you use when you post on Instagram. The number of hashtags you post on Instagram. The amount of time you spending liking and commenting on other Instagram accounts. Etc. 

Follow our blog and bookmark the free learning center at for all of your marketing and branding needs!! Marketing tips. Instagram marketing and branding tools. Social media marketing and social media management!! Social media marketing solutions had a huge network of social media followers, especially on Instagram!! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Instagram cred?"

Instagram followers seem to be the "ruler" for who's-who in some social circles. You could downright offend someone by un-following them! Some Instagram users or companies managing Instagram accounts are trying to buy a few hundred "followers" to "up" their Instagram cred, kinda like your favorite gangster rappers "street cred!" 

Ever wonder how some accounts are only following 100 people but have THOUSANDS of followers?? Their either popular OUTSIDE OF INSTAGRAM or.... they might have bought those followers 😱!

How do you buy followers? There are plenty of companies popping up that offer "followers" for any network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) you would like! Purchase online with a major credit card and overnight there are hundreds or even thousands of new followers for your Instagram account! 

Studies and marketing sciences have shown that users are more likely to engage a post or another users account on social media if they see more "followers." It creates an illusion, the account looks more intriguing! Users will often follow and engage that account wondering what so many others are interested in? 

Are these "followers" real⁉️ No! 🙅 Most "followers" are fake accounts! These fake accounts were made in the masses with cookie cutter usernames and bio's. If a social media user pays, the company collecting the funds will log in and follow that users account from each of their "cookie cutter" accounts. 

Do these fake followers "like" my pictures?? NO! These fake followers will not engage any posts unless it's paid for. When companies sell followers they usually sell "likes" as well. It's an additional fee. 

Why does it matter⁉️ real Instagram followers are very important! Real followers help share and spread your brand or cause. Businesses with real Instagram followers can get thousands of regular hits to their website. We all know that 1000 people walking into an actual store is pretty profitable, website visitors could be just as valuable! 

Why it matters?? Simple Instagram marketing is a free marketing blog ran by Simple Media Marketing Solutions. We thrive to provide the best examples and how-to's on social media marketing and management. In addition to our free blogs and learning centers all over the internet we offer laid marketing services for real businesses or brand a looking for real followers and real website hits. Please contact us or visit us at or fill out the applications in our previous posts on this blog!! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thinking about promoting on Instagram?

Start here!! Instagram is another of the many social networking sites available for all smartphone users, and a great way to aggressively promote any business or service. Instagram is more image and video based that most social media sites. Instagram enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them not only to other Instagram followers but on a variety of other social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. 

Founded in October 2010 Instagram was initially only available for apple's iphone, ipad, and ipad touch, but by april 2012 gained over 100 million users and is now available for android operating systems with a windows application dropping soon. Instagram was bought out by Facebook in April 2012 for approximately $1 billion in cash and stock! Arguably one of the more popular social networks and marketing apps today and still growing! One set back with Instagram is its limited to mobile devices, the desktop version is VERY limited. Already operating on the apple and android platforms Instagram is currently planning to release a windows version very soon!

You can use a limited version of Instagram at For example follow us at Simple Media's instagram and see our full profile online!!! You could visit your profile the same way!! Simply add after 

Previously Instagram was an app only available to smart phone and tablet users. Recently Instagram has been working on a desktop or windows version that would allow you to manage your instagram accounts online with a computer or laptop. Currently you are able to visit using a computer, you can even login and use some limited features such as liking or commenting on posts. 

Unlike most social media accounts you aren't able to auto post to Instagram from your blog or social media management systems and software such as 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How do I get more Instagram followers?

How many followers do you have on Instagram? If you've been following our blog you will see that we speak very highly, and really value "followers" on any social network, especially Instagram! 

The app offers the quickest easiest solution to connect and engage with an audience and share posts and material. If you understand the app, and understand how the app works then you shouldn't have trouble finding followers. 

Assuming that you have a REASON for people to follow you, all you have to do is get "their" attention! Simply engaging other Instagram accounts by following, liking, or even tagging them will get the attention of those users leading them to follow you!

There's a lot more too it. Try some of these actions on Instagram to see if you get more followers:
1.) use hash tags! When posting, and searching! Learn how to search the hashtags others have posted! Liking or commenting on THOSE pictures or videos will notify the user who made the post. Most users LOVE getting likes and comments and will likely follow you back, increasing your number of real Instagram followers! 

The easiest way to get followers on instgram is to follow people! By following other user accounts you will also notify them tht you've followed! If the users account is public they are notified and your able to follow right away. Private accounts will require the users approval, however that also forces them to see and RESPOND to your request. Often times users will allow you to follow and also follow you back! 

Real Instagram followers can also find your account by searching trough their "network." Most users will search through their list if followers and see who their followers are following. Or who their followers are followed by! The more people you follow, the more "backlinks" you have to your Instagram account! The more channels or roads that lead to your account the more chances you have of gaining followers! 

Make sure your account is public! That means not private! If you set your Instagram settings to private people are less likely to follow you unless they actually know you! 

Be active! One of the best ways to get followers on instgram is to generally stay active! When you like, comment, tag, and  follow accounts on Instagram others will see the activity, if you catch the attention of other accounts they will be more likely to follow you! 

If all else fails you can always use the direct message feature to reach out to users in a more personal fashion. Sometimes people just want to know that your account is real! This can take some time so don't go overboard. A few followers a day is a good pace for real accounts!! 

Learn how to check your notifications. If another user likes or comments on your photo it's a good idea to respond to them! The more comments and like you have on your photo the more likely t is for other users to participate.

Post regularly, but don't over post!! It's easy to get users to follow you, but if you never post they might just UN-FOLLOW you! Losing followers is counter productive, so be sure to keep the ones you got! Over posting or being a "ghost follower" is never good! 

Learn more about Instagram and social media marketing at!! 

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?