Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Instagram cred?"

Instagram followers seem to be the "ruler" for who's-who in some social circles. You could downright offend someone by un-following them! Some Instagram users or companies managing Instagram accounts are trying to buy a few hundred "followers" to "up" their Instagram cred, kinda like your favorite gangster rappers "street cred!" 

Ever wonder how some accounts are only following 100 people but have THOUSANDS of followers?? Their either popular OUTSIDE OF INSTAGRAM or.... they might have bought those followers 😱!

How do you buy followers? There are plenty of companies popping up that offer "followers" for any network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) you would like! Purchase online with a major credit card and overnight there are hundreds or even thousands of new followers for your Instagram account! 

Studies and marketing sciences have shown that users are more likely to engage a post or another users account on social media if they see more "followers." It creates an illusion, the account looks more intriguing! Users will often follow and engage that account wondering what so many others are interested in? 

Are these "followers" real⁉️ No! 🙅 Most "followers" are fake accounts! These fake accounts were made in the masses with cookie cutter usernames and bio's. If a social media user pays, the company collecting the funds will log in and follow that users account from each of their "cookie cutter" accounts. 

Do these fake followers "like" my pictures?? NO! These fake followers will not engage any posts unless it's paid for. When companies sell followers they usually sell "likes" as well. It's an additional fee. 

Why does it matter⁉️ real Instagram followers are very important! Real followers help share and spread your brand or cause. Businesses with real Instagram followers can get thousands of regular hits to their website. We all know that 1000 people walking into an actual store is pretty profitable, website visitors could be just as valuable! 

Why it matters?? Simple Instagram marketing is a free marketing blog ran by Simple Media Marketing Solutions. We thrive to provide the best examples and how-to's on social media marketing and management. In addition to our free blogs and learning centers all over the internet we offer laid marketing services for real businesses or brand a looking for real followers and real website hits. Please contact us or visit us at or fill out the applications in our previous posts on this blog!! 

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?