Sunday, March 30, 2014

work from home

have you seen all the work from home and get rich schemes on instagram. Ever wonder if they were real or true? Well you its sort of a toss up. Could someone make money working from home using instagram to promote a network or affiliate system? YES! However, be cautious. Use common sense. Most companies are bringing in users in the dozens charging a few dollars down and a few dollars a month. All you have to do is sign others up. Technically if your good at it you can make money. But you can make more money working from yourself! The catch here is that Instagram is an amazing marketing tool, using instgram correctly will allow any promoter to bring instant awareness to any topic! The marketing world is amazing and can be very profitable. However you will notice that the popular and valuable instagram accounts are unique! There are real users posting real images of their own products or services. Instagarm is the tool, what your promoting is what determines how much money you make. You could promote just about anything you wanted. Theres no need to fall for a get rich quick, sign your friends up scheme! Bloggers are creating free blogs with blogger, linking the blog to instagram and then Instagram back to their blog. Adding your blogs URL to Instagram will allow your followers to click the link, land on your blog, etc. If your blog is monetized then the traffic is likely to make you more money! Intereted in working from home? Fill out the application below and a REAL marketing consultant will be in touch to discuss some options in getting started. If your already making money from home ask us how we can help!

barbers on instagram

As we know marketing on Instagram is very effective. Barbers, and personal barbers are a perfect example! It's never been easier to promote your business brand or craft on Instagram. Barbers are no exception!! With accounts like BarberShopConnect compiling tens of thousands of followers there's no reason a great barber couldn't go viral overnight and start thier own valuable brand!

Simple media marketing solutions has developed a system using Google and all of its features in correlation with Instagram, PayPal, and Insightly to create the PERFECT marketing and self promotion for any barber! Check us out online and learn how to promote yourself, your business, and your brand to millions of people all over the world! Make more money as a barber with more clients, efficiency, and automated solutions saving you time and energy making you better at your craft, cutting hair!!

If you are a barber and you need a job, or you know a barber that's looking for work or currently promoting themselves through social media or social network then they need to see this! Click the ink in our bio and or follow us instagram! Simple Media Marketing Solutions and our barbershop start up account!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Valuable posts on Instagram and using hash tags

When used correctly Instagram is an amazing marketing tool for any start up business looking to get the ball rolling on a budget. Instagram will get you quick followers and quick website hits if you actually use Instagram and it's tools correctly. Let's talk about some Instagram tools!

Following: quickly and easily follow up to 50 accounts per hour. When you follow an account that account's owner will be notified. The account's owner can choose to allow you to follow, and it follow you back. We  want followers back. Be sure to leave your Instagram account and other social media profilesPUBLIC not orivate! Also, make sure you are following relevant accounts. Not 50 random accounts at a time. You will need to find followers that actually want your services or products!

Engaging your followers: using several methods of posting (pictures, videos) tagging other accounts on any picture or post. Liking other users Instagram users' pictures and videos is a quick easy way to engage followers. Instagram will also let you comment on posts just as easily as you can like them! 

Efficient: technically no marketing is bad marketing. However if you want to make money you need to find which types of marketing, or which actions are lost helpful. Instagram tends to be very efficient! Reach thousand of people a day with little time and best of all it's free! 

It's free! Instagram is available on the App Stores or android stores. It's a free download for smart phones and or tablets. Countless additional apps this work with Instagram or little to no cost. See who's following you back, who's not, who your not following back, edit photos with quick collages and more!! 

Use Instagram as the main form of marketing for your blog or website and save thousands of dollars a month!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

making money off of instagram

If your using Instagram it's likely that you have run across some sort of business, brand, company, organization, store, work from home or some other opportunity while scrolling through your news feed. In fact, the Instagram networking app is a great tool for its users to find companies, clubs, organizations or other interests outside of personal friends and family. This means the majority of Instagram users actually choose who they want to see promotions from. Some users prefer to keep their accounts private and their network pretty tight while others keep an open profile and network far outside of their circles. At any rate, it's not very hard to make money off of Instagram these days! The app has several unique features that become very valuable if you know how to use them! Lets talk about these features.

  • Linking a website: The app has a single dedicated area where a blogger, business owner, brand, organization, or any other entity can enter their URL (website address) allowing any and all instagram users to click the link and go to your site! 
  • Creating an Instagram account is quicker and easier than any other social network: UNLIKE most social media apps or social networks Instagram DOES NOT require very much information or personal information to get started. All you need is valid email address! 
  • Efficiency: Instagram is an app, using mobile devices your able to navigate, search, index, like and post pictures with little to no wait time! 
  • It's Simple!: Unlike most networks with layers and layers of variations and set-up options Instagram is pretty cut and dry with little to no variation in what you can post or how to post it. (it really helps clear things up!) 
  • Getting Followers: Instagram will allow you to target, and follow 50 accounts in about 15 minutes! and then you have to wait an hour to do it again. If you follow 100 people your likely to get about 20 real followers back. (if you've targeted them correctly, full bio description, regular posts, profile picture etc.)  
So how does someone actually make money off Instagram? The answer is pretty simple! All you need is a "monetized" blog or website (a blog or site with the ability to make money.) KEEP CALM!! That's not very hard to set up at all! In fact (this) blog you're currently reading is "monetized" because its linked to Simple Media Marketing Solutions' main website (see how we did that ;)) This blog also has a second avenue of income (way to make money) directly through Google using their AdSense  program! To help sales a little more we embed our PayPal "buy now" or other checkout features directly to your blog, allowing you to sell products and services quickly and easily!!

Whether you own a website, or not it's quick and easy to start using Instagram to make money. Create an account, add your "monetized" website or blog's url to your Instagram account. Start following people! The more people you follow, the more will follow you back, the more people will see the posts you make to Instagram!! You will still need to post images/videos to Instagram and use the comments section telling your followers to click the link in your bio, use hashtags to index your Instagram posts allowing other Instagram users to search for that same key word (hash tag) and pull up your posts!

Need help creating an Instagram account? A monetized website or blog? No worries! Fill out this application for a free consultation so we can call and or email and help you our FOR FREE! You will also be able to sign up online with several start-up packages and Simple Media Marketing Solutions will actually create your Instagram accounts, blogs, websites, social media accounts, EVEN MANAGE and PROMOTE them all for you if needed!! Pay us for the day, week, month or a full year! We charge hourly for each task, or we can teach you how to do it for free using our Learning Center! Fill out the application now to have someone from our team get in touch right away and be re directed to our sign up page allowing you to get started now, online, for less!!


Monday, March 24, 2014

Can I pay someone to create and manage an Instagram for my business?

Yes! Companies like Simple Media Marketing Solutions offers start up Instagram accounts as well as services to promote that account. Start a new Instagram account and link it to your existing business, or pay a marketing company like Simple Media Marketing Solutions to manage and promote an Instagram account for your business, band, celebrity, organization, brand, corporation, home business or anything else!

Social media and internet marketing all over the world (and anyone else) can create and start promoting an Instagram account but the trick is to actually get traffic and conversions in order to help your cause. Start by learning a little about internet marketing and social media marketing with Simple Media Marketing Solutions' free learning center!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Instagram friendly apps

Instagram itself is an app, available in all android and apple stores. It's free, and happens to be one of the best forms of marketing someone could ask for! This article is dedicated to other apps that make great tools when promoting your business brand or organization on Instagram. 

Rather than talking about any specific apps, let's talk about the type of app that could be useful! Photo editing is an obvious! There are hundreds of apps available that would allow you to edit an app however If you search around you will find some are geared towards adding comments to a photo while others are great for creating a collage and others might be dedicated to creating borders and backgrounds! 

As a business owner, we found it very helpful to use apps that tell you who's following you back and who's not! We found it pretty helpful when we reached Instagram's limit if the number of people or other Instagram accounts you're able to follow. 

There are even apps like Hoot Suite they would allow a user to create an account and attach an Instagram account. The app is used to manage several social networking or social media accounts at once, most tools like this do not include Instagram! Hootsuite will give it's users real time notification from several networks at once, the ability to respond to any notifications, it even let's you load your media and post it at hot times of the day and or to several networks at once!

Although Instagram is great for messaging and communicating, and they also added direct message or DM features there are numerous apps available providing private, and or instant messages which are commonly used by Instagram's users. 

Search around and see which marketing tools might be best for you! As always visit for your marketing needs!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to get website hits from your Instagram account

Did you know that Instagram is definitely on the short list if not one of THE BEST and most aggressive form of marketing and free form of marketing open to ANY business?!! That means more effective sometimes than even Facebook Twitter tumblr yelp or good old search engine optimization! Let's talk about the early stages of using Instagram to increase your website traffic. Note that if your tracking your website traffic or website hits using a tool like Google Analytics it's likely that most of your Instagram traffic will appear as direct visitors. (The Instagram app typically opens links using your cell phone's or your tablet'a browser, appearing as someone going directly to your site.) The Instagram app is again, one of the best social media networks for marketing a website!!

Instagram allows you to create an account for your business and from that account follow other Instagram users. These accounts, or people that you're following are ideally going to become "leads" for your business.... That's gear this article is about! 

Getting followers for your Instagram account and then posting content to those followers are how we're going to get people from Instagram to your website! We can break this down into a series of steps. 

step one: creating your Instagram account.  Not just how to sign up or create the account but also what you put in the bio and making sure that you link the actual your new Instagram account to your bio. Most of the people who actually wind up visiting your site will be visiting because they click this link in your bio we'll get to that a little bit later.

Step two is going to be learning what to actually do with your Instagram account: this step will be different depending on which industry your business is in, let's take an E-commerce site for example. An e-commerce site is an Internet commerce or electronic commerce website. We need our Instagram account to promote our product or service, click the link in our bio, and then actually PAY for the goods or services. Our Job on Instagram is to target consumers that could want or need our services. 

Step three, once we know step two, is to actually start following targeted consumers (or accounts) that are in your demographic, let's call these "leads."Consider the age group and gender of your audience as well as their location (if it matters to your business.) Some websites may offer a product or service that needs local consumers while other websites may offer products or services that could go out-of-state or even out of the country. Now that you know your limits, criteria and your needs choose a few accounts on Instagram that have a good following. These accounts should be ideal for each portion of your business meaning that these accounts should have a lot of the type of followers that meet your businesses' needs, age, location, interests etc.

Instagram will allow you to follow about 50 accounts per hour. Step three suggested choosing some good accounts to start from. Study your industry and see how others are promoting similar brand and or services. Take notice of their posting patterns, how many followers they have. Also how much engagement they get off of each post. Avoid accounts with large numbers of followers and little to no likes or comments on their posts. This means they have "ghost followers" or that they have followers who aren't interested in what's being posted. At any rate choose a few good accounts and start following their followers! Spread it our following only a few at a time from each target page (or target account.) 

If you follow 200 people per day your likely to get 15-30% of the people you followed to actually follow you back! Meaning that these people or accounts that chose to follow you back will have your posts pop up in their news feed as you post them! If the media you post catches their attention they should "like" the post, possibly comment on it and or go to your bio. If you've added the link to your site, once these followers see your bio they'll be able to click the link and land on your site! 

What about the people who didn't follow back? There should be plenty left over. No worries! Because your following them you will see all of their posts, your job is to engage the post to try getting their attention a second time and converting a few more accounts into followers! 

There's another concept that should be noted when promoting on Instagram, and social sites in general. Hash tagging! When you create a post you can add a hash tag in the comment prior to any word you would like. The word you tagged will become part of an index. Instagram users all over the world can search that index just like searching for something on Google! This means you could post something today, and two weeks or even two years from now someone could search the tags and see your post! This could mean more followers, and ultimately more website hits! 

Be sure to check out our main site at for all of your marketing and branding needs. Fill our the application for a free marketing consultation as well as a list of our products and services!! 

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?