Friday, March 28, 2014

Valuable posts on Instagram and using hash tags

When used correctly Instagram is an amazing marketing tool for any start up business looking to get the ball rolling on a budget. Instagram will get you quick followers and quick website hits if you actually use Instagram and it's tools correctly. Let's talk about some Instagram tools!

Following: quickly and easily follow up to 50 accounts per hour. When you follow an account that account's owner will be notified. The account's owner can choose to allow you to follow, and it follow you back. We  want followers back. Be sure to leave your Instagram account and other social media profilesPUBLIC not orivate! Also, make sure you are following relevant accounts. Not 50 random accounts at a time. You will need to find followers that actually want your services or products!

Engaging your followers: using several methods of posting (pictures, videos) tagging other accounts on any picture or post. Liking other users Instagram users' pictures and videos is a quick easy way to engage followers. Instagram will also let you comment on posts just as easily as you can like them! 

Efficient: technically no marketing is bad marketing. However if you want to make money you need to find which types of marketing, or which actions are lost helpful. Instagram tends to be very efficient! Reach thousand of people a day with little time and best of all it's free! 

It's free! Instagram is available on the App Stores or android stores. It's a free download for smart phones and or tablets. Countless additional apps this work with Instagram or little to no cost. See who's following you back, who's not, who your not following back, edit photos with quick collages and more!! 

Use Instagram as the main form of marketing for your blog or website and save thousands of dollars a month!

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?