Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Instagram rules

The Instagram app is constantly changing and updating. Each update adds new restrictions making it a little more difficult to follow or spam other users. Some of the policies haven't changed, Instagram is just doing a better job of monitoring and regulating their users. Instagram clearly states their restrictions under their "community guidelines section INSTAGRAM COMMUNITY GUIDELINES. They state that you should keep the content safe, clean, and acceptable for all age groups. NO drugs, NO Violence, NO nudity, No sharing photos that aren't yours, NO being RUDE!

Instagram states that they can and will delete and deactivate your account for any violations! This is not a joke! Users have had their accounts deleted without warning. Often times leaving users upset, with no answers. There have been several reported instances of accounts being deleted for apparently "no reason."

The fact is that most instagram users are in direct violations that can and will result in their accounts being suspended. Posting or bringing awareness to anything adult related or illegal is a sure way to get booted. But what about users who are re posting memes and other funny posts?

What about sharing and shouting out businesses and user accounts?

Sounds like this is a violation of the actual terms and policies. It becomes pretty difficult to run a clean and effective instagram account. If you need help contact Simple Media Marketing Solutions or fill out the lead capture page directly Request more information

Has Instagram been a good marketing tool for your business?